T O L L - F R E E : 8 0 0 - 4 1 1 - 6 9 0 6
L U B B O C K, T E X A S : 8 0 6 - 7 4 8 - 1 1 2 0
F O R T W O R T H, T E X A S : 8 1 7 - 5 8 9 - 9 9 9 8
S E R V I C E S, I N C.
DOT - Business - Personal
Drug and Alcohol Testing since 1995
Experience Counts
Allied Compliance Services, Inc. pioneered student drug testing beginning in 1999. Since then over 100,000 tests have been collected and processed for over 30 school districts. ACS recognizes that every community is unique. That’s why we work with each administration to customize our procedures to satisfy each school board and ensure that testing is performed to meet each school district’s student policy protocol. Please call 800-411-6906 to speak to a knowledgeable ACS representative about your drug testing program. We're here to help!

Testing Promotes a Drug-free Student Body
Student Drug Testing is Effective
In 2002, the Supreme Court allowed for random drug testing of students involved in extracurricular activities through the public school system. The Court stated that it found such a policy "a reasonably effective means of addressing the school district's legitimate concerns in preventing, deterring, and detecting drug use." The Office of National Drug Control Policy reports that random drug testing in schools has been effective in reducing drug use and, most importantly, deters drug use among adolescents. Students involved in extracurricular activities and subject to in-school drug testing reported less substance use than comparable students in high schools without drug testing, according to the Institute of Education Sciences.
Drug Testing Promotes Healthy Decisions
The goal of a random drug testing program is to reduce student substance use in three ways – deter substance abuse, detect substance abuse, and elevate the standard of acceptable behavior for everyone in the school. Because a random drug testing program discourages drug abuse, it promotes accountability, emotional stability, and physical health. It helps to establish a culture of responsible decision-making in the present and equips students to continue a healthy lifestyle in their adulthood.
The main objective of a random student drug testing program is to deter illicit drug use. However, when substance abuse is identified, teachers, counselors, and administrators can be valuable resources. Families in crisis affect the entire community. A school is uniquely qualified to propose solutions to support a family through the process of treatment and counseling. It is the goal to redirect a student to discover the intrinsic value of positive decisions before a life-long drug habit is established.
Drug Testing Benefits Communities
Every community wants a drug-free student body. It is the responsibility of the school board to invest in random testing to promote that standard. ACS has over 20 years of experience helping school districts develop their policies for specimen types to be collected and drugs to be tested, including synthetic drugs. We support administrations with the implementation and execution of the entire drug testing process. Allied Compliance Services, Inc. is proud to partner with schools to promote a safe and healthy student body.
Call us, 800-411-6906, to discuss your student drug testing program. We're here for you!